How to Pour a Multicoloured Zig Zag Candle

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How to Pour a Multicoloured Zig Zag Candle

Hi, I’m Asli from Larkin Crafts, and today we’re going to be making the following  ZigZag patterned multicolored candle using the Larkin Crafts Candle Making kit and some spices you probably already have at home!

First, let’s start with what you will need:

  • A glass jar so that you can see your design
  • A wick and wick holder
  • A glue dot to hold your wick in place
  • Some turmeric, paprika and saffron and some fillable tea-bags or scrap fabric to soak them in the wax
  • A melting pot
  • A thermometer
  • A container for boiling water
  • A stove top
  • Something to lean your jar on we made this out of cardboard
  • And finally 180g of candle wax that we will divide into sections (this is what I need for the size of my jar, the amount may vary)  

Now keep in mind that with each layer, we’re going to have to let the wax cool and set entirely for 24 hours, so this will be a process, but it’s going to be worth it!

For the first section, grab your wax and put it in a melting pot. On the stove, bring some water to a boil and place the melting pots inside which will act as a double-boiler. Stir the wax occasionally to get it evenly melted.

While the wax is melting, prepare the jar.

Once it is melted, lower the temperature of the stove, add the turmeric in the teabag and soak it in the wax for about 20-30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, remove the melting pot from the stove and remove the teabag from the wax. Let the wax cool to 60 degrees Celsius using the thermometer to track the temperature. If you want your wax scented, this the right time to add your fragrance. Make sure to mix it thoroughly.  

Using the thermometer as a guide, pour the wax slowly in the carefully tilted jar leaning on your contraption.

Now we let it cool for 24 hours and repeat the process with the other colors!

Make as many layers as you want/can and voila! Your very own multicolored zig zag candle!

Product Used For This Project:

Digital Scale

 Single Candle Replenishment Kit